Four Questions With Paul Williams

Over the next few weeks we will be hearing from the CHNA 20 Executive Committee on why they serve and their hopes for the CHNA in the future. First up, Co-Chair Paul Williams.

My name is Paul Williams, and I’m the Substance Use Coordinator with the Weymouth Health Department. I’m also the Co-Chair of the CHNA 20 Executive Committee.

Tell us how partnering with CHNA 20 has changed your work for the better.

The ability to partner with and create new relationships with service providers and individuals has bettered my work by allowing me to educate the community of Weymouth what those services are and how to access them with ease.

What are three words you would use to describe CHNA 20’s impact on the community or on an important health issue?

Innovative, Action-Oriented, and System Change.

Share one goal you have for your continued partnership with CHNA 20. What do you hope we can accomplish together in the future?

To leverage my partnership with the CHNA to create a healthier and more equitable community.

What makes you most proud of serving on the CHNA 20 Executive Committee?

The ability to serve the community in another facet while being involved at a critical time shaping the direction of the CHNA makes me very proud! 

Many thanks to Paul for sharing his perspective! If you’d like to learn more about our work or connect with us, here’s how to get involved.